Hey beautiful soul! Welcome to the MAGIC SIDE OF LIFE!
The fact that you stumbled across this page is not a coincidence. In fact nothing in your life was ever a coincidence. You are guided towards your own personal fulfillment, but also the fulfillment of your personal SOUL CONTRACT with the universe. Your intuition, your subconscious mind and the planetary movements in the sky guide you towards your purpose. They send you signs and hints all the time, wanting you to know that
You are here for a Reason!
If you are at a place in your life where nothing seems to fulfill you, everything seems to crumble down and you seem farer away from your innermost desires, THIS is your sign!
ASTROLOGY found you at the right time in your life. You might not know yet how much you are guided by the universe and that EVERYTHING in your life is WRITTEN IN THE STARS. But let me ask you a few questions:
Have you ever felt like your life was meant for something bigger?
Did you ever wonder what your unique strengths are?
Have you ever wished for more meaning and purpose in your life?
Do you get anxious thinking about leaving this world without leaving your mark behind?
Have you ever questioned the traditional way people live their life, knowing that it would never fulfill you to follow the norm?
And have you ever imagined how it would feel like to completely KNOW where and how you can live a life full of bliss, success, magic and love?
ASTROLOGY is one of the oldest systems, based on 12 archetypes that represent parts of your psyche and inner world. It helps us understand how we are wired and in which way we approach the different areas in our life, that are represented by the 12 houses in your Birth Chart.
ASTROLOGY is more than just an analytical tool to help you understand yourself. It is the language of the universe and it is how the cosmos speaks to you every second of your life!
Your BIRTH CHART reveals the contract your SOUL made with the universe at the moment of birth. It can be seen as your manual for this lifetime, as it entails all of your challenges and potential for growth AND the very ways your soul can fulfill this contract, so you are fulfilled yourself and live a life full of bliss.
Your BIRTH CHART can answer you every burning question you might have about the MEANING of your life and challenges you might be faced with! It even reveals how you can become successful, who you are likely to marry and first and foremost: what YOUR UNIQUENESS, YOUR MAGIC is!
Doesn’t this sound too good to be true?
It might…but from working with hundreds of amazing souls, reading charts all over the world and my own personal journey following my birth chart and observing how the current transits affect my life, I am confident to say, that Astrology is nothing you have to believe in. It is as real as gravity and the air that we breathe – maybe not possible to grasp and see in this 3D world, but certainly one of the most important elements in our lives!
Astrology is the connection to Your Soul!
More than ever do we need meaning and purpose in our lives. More than ever do we need YOU to CONNECT TO YOUR SOUL and THE UNIVERSE, because the WORLD needs YOU and YOUR MAGIC! You are not born by accident. YOU are a puzzle piece of the CHANGE we are here to create in this world!
Let Astrology guide you…
Soul Contract Deep Dive + DNA Activation
We are all born with a unique purpose, that is written in the stars. Understanding your SOUL CONTRACT will reveal the deeper meaning of your life and your soul in this universe.
- Meet your soul + discover your purpose for this incarnation
- Reconnect to your truth, heart + inner GPS
- Kathi activates dormant DNA within you that helps you to stay aligned and notice how the universe supports you in fulfilling your soul contract even after the session
- This option is for you if you are READY to open the doors of truth inside of your heart that connects you with your divine essence + the star wisdom within you
333$ USD / 300€
66 minutes
1:1 session

Saturn Return Reading
Between 27 and 30 the cosmos is helping us to take our own personal power back by learning key lessons for our lives. It’s in this time period where you are guided by the vibration of Saturn, the grand teacher of the zodiac. He checks in with you to see if you have done your (soul)homework or if you still rely on other people paving the path for your life. Saturn always comes with restrictions and feelings of depression and anxiety. The key is to understand what and how he teaches you to parent yourself in the process. This reading provides you with the insights of your biggest life lessons and will help you to master them with courage! Ultimately this is a divine period that helps you align with your purpose if you understand the hidden message that Saturn has for you. I’m excited to reveal it to you!
288$ USD / 255€
44 minutes
1:1 session
Year Ahead – Solar Return Reading
Happy Birthday beautiful soul! Are you excited to get to know the theme of your next solar year? Then my Solar Return Reading is the best gift you can give to yourself (or a loved one!). You will find out which area in your life is activated until your next birthday, what topics will be predominant in the next 12 months and how these lessons and blessings it into the overall theme of your life purpose. Every year is a chapter of the book of your life. Unpack the next chapter with me & prepare for a magical new year!
300$ USD / 266€
44 minutes
1:1 session

Star Activation (Astrology Transits)
Our growth journey is highly impacted by the current planetary transits in the sky. Learn which areas in your life will be the focus of transformation in the year ahead, so you can best prepare and align with the energies in the cosmos. This will amplify your growth and help you plan your life in the most aligned way!
- Understand how your Birth Chart is being activated by the current transits in the sky
- Kathi channels messages from the planets that are working with you specifically at the moment of the reading and for the next 3-6 months
- She will help you understand the potential challenges and opportunities the planets have for you, so you can navigate the intensity and shift into the highest potential timeline and gifts for your soul
- You will understand WHY you soul wants to experience the specific transit and how it contributes to your overall purpose
288$ USD / 244€
44 minutes
1:1 session
Human Design Magic
Energetic Alignment (Human Design Reading)
Human Design reveals your ENERGETIC BLUEPRINT and helps you to embody the highest potential. It is based on Astrology, the Chinese iChing, the Kaballah Tree of Life, the Chakra System and Quantum Physiques. As the universe is made of energy and you are an energetic being, it is vital to understand how your energy works in the best way possible.
- You can’t manifest if you vibrate in a frequency that is not meant for you!
- If you constantly hit roadblocks and challenges, you probably work against your energetic blueprint (Human Design) – so lets get you back on track!
- Kathi will unpack your Human Design Chart for you, so you understand the magic of your own, inherent energy and how to make the most aligned decisions in your life
- This will reconnect you with your energetic nature and activate the most magnetic vibration and timeline for you and your soul
- Relationships, Business Endevours and manifesting your desires will become smoother and lighter for you, because you finally work WITH and not AGAINST yourself and the energetic universe we live in
303$ USD / 277€
44 minutes
1:1 session

Ascension Support
- Do you feel overwhelmed or confused about your own spiritual process and don’t have anyone to talk to?
- This is your chance to have Kathi as your ascension buddy. She will help you understand what your spiritual, emotional and physical body is going through during the ascension process.
- You will connect to the parts of yourself that are being activated and worked on at the moment of the session and walk away with clarity and supportive tools to navigate the upgrades.
- This will fast track the clearing of density in your system, so you can have a smoother ride into higher timelines for your soul
222$ USD / 202€
33 minutes
1:1 session
Ask The Universe (2-3 Q + A)
- If you have questions you just can’t come to a clear answer or you are faced with an important decision in your life, this session is for you
- Kathi will use her magic to connect to your soul, your guides and the universe to guide you towards clarity in your heart
- This will clear the confusion in your head and upper chakras and ground you into your own intuitive knowing
This is ideal if you need a refresher to get back into your Magic & out of a funk.
Ideally we have worked with each other before in a reading or mentoring, but that’s not mandatory!
177$ USD / 144€
22 minutes
1:1 session

Cosmic Mentoring
For committed souls and aspiring Lightworkers I also offer private Mentoring. You will study my favourite cosmic tools, such as Evolutionary Astrology and Human Design, with me and get an insight scoop on how I use them to help others. But instead of just repeating what I do, you will learn how you can make these systems your own by merging them with YOUR unique MAGIC!
(Don’t worry if you have no idea how this could look like, that’s exactly what we will explore together)
Spots are limited & selected by me – on demand!
If you desire to book a reading with me, submit the payment to paypal.me/magickathiofficial and forward the confirmation to info@abracadabrababy.de .
If you have any questions or can’t decide which option would help you the most, feel free to contact me via e-mail as well. I’m excited to help you step into your magic!